All Knowledge Base Topics

Inventory Management – Inventory Move

This video and manual demonstrate the simple process of moving products to a different zone with pictures.
For any ambiguities or additional questions, please, contact us directly.

  1. Go to the main menu.

B) Inventory Management selection

  1. Select “Inventory Management”

C) Inventory manipulating

  • Select the “Inventory Move” submenu

D) Prepare zones to moving products

  • Enter the “Zone A” field and write the zone name from which products are transferred
  • Confirm your choice by clicking on the “Scan” command button
  • Enter the “Zone B” field and write the targeted zone name
  • Confirm your choice by clicking on the “Scan” command button

D) Locking zones

  • Lock both zones by clicking on the open padlock symbols command button
  • Look locked both zones after locking
  • Select the products you want to transfer from zone to zone by checking the checkbox in front of the UPC
  • Press the command button with doubled arrows, and transfer products