Re-Scan Procedure (Manager)

Re-Scan Procedure (Manager)

When beginning the rescan procedure make sure to have a laptop (or tablet) and scanner on hand. Proceed to the location in need of a rescan. Find a good space with an open area or table to set up the laptop. If the items being scanned are located directly on the shelf, position the laptop so that it is close enough to see what is being entered on the screen. If the items being scanned are in a bin or a box, move the bin or box to an open table to scan. Make sure to return any moved bin or box back to the correct warehouse location.

  1. Open CommerceBlitz and select Live Inventory from the CommerceBlitz Tools Menu (three horizontal lines stacked on top of one another.)
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  1. To begin rescanning the section, scan the location tag into the Scan UPC/Location field to the left of the GO button. The zone should appear in large numbers and letters in the area marked “Current Zone.” The zone on the screen should reflect the zone that needs to be scanned.
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  1. Every zone can be locked and unlocked. This is done by clicking on Lock Zone. Green means the zone is unlocked and red means the zone is locked. Note that the padlock also indicates the current status.
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  1. Make sure the correct zone that needs to be scanned was entered, then click Lock Zone. The green button will have now become red with a locked padlock; this means that the zone is locked and is now ready for editing – and, in this case, deletion of all items.
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  1. Make sure the correct zone that needs to be scanned was entered, then click Lock Zone. The green button will have now become red with a locked padlock; this means that the zone is locked and is now ready for editing – and, in this case, deletion of all items.
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  1. After all items are deleted from the zone, scan each item’s UPC into the zone while putting them back into the bin or box. After the rescan is complete, click the red Unlock Zone button to unlock the zone and finish the process. The button will change to green and display an unlocked padlock.

Pro Tip: Write initials and date on a small, high-visibility sticker and place it next to the location tag to easily reference the last rescan date.